We do not remove complaints:
• unless we receive an officially signed court order.
• if they do not violate our Complaint Guidelines.
Our rules are well-settled on this point and we do not make any exceptions.
There may be some compromisesolutions:
• If your complaint was solved or you changed your opinion regarding the business you are complaining about, you can mark it as “resolved” and add a comment stating that the problem has been settled, and if possible describe what exactly the company has done to help you. After you mark the complaint as “resolved”, it will not affect the business’s rating anymore. Please note that resolved complaints are not removed from the website either.
• If your review contains personal information, you always can contact us and we will gladly edit it for you. Please note that sensitive information is usually hidden/masked and is visible to you and company representatives only.
• If your review should be edited for other reasons (typos, wrong information, etc.), contact us and we will always help you.
For more information, please contact our support team at support@scam.com.
Scam.com is intended to be a permanent record of disputes, including the ones that have been fully resolved. In order to maintain a complete record, information posted on Scam.com will not be removed.
By posting information on Scam.com, you confirm that you have read and agree with our Terms of use, Privacy policy, Consumer FAQ, and Business FAQ, and understand that the material you post will become part of Scam.com’s permanent record and will NOT be removed even at your request.
Our rules are well-settled on this point and we don’t make any exceptions.
However, if you’d like to remove your personal information, you should contact us from the same email address you used to file the complaint and specify what exactly you’d like to be edited:
Wrong request: Please remove my home address, my name, my phone number
Wrong requests will not be considered.
Sensitive information such as your phone number, email address, passport numbers, payment card information, social security numbers, etc., is not visible to anyone on the Internet but you and the company representatives, and is marked as [protected].
However, if you’d still like to edit or remove it, please shoot us an email at support@scam.com and
provide the exact information that has to be edited/removed as we do not
analyze/investigate the whole complaint.
For example:
• Make sure you are sending your request from the same email address you used to file the complaint/comment.
• Just in case, please do not forget to provide a link to the complaint or comment you’d like to be edited.
• We mostly edit typos and personal information.
• The entire text removal (or the most part of it) is not allowed, as it’s the same as complaint/comment removal. Complaints and comments are not removed.
• Your personal details are not shared with outside sources without your granted permission.
• Messages with wrong requests will not be considered.
In this case, please contact us at support@scam.com.
You also can mask your personal information in any convenient way, and re-upload the attachments by sending a request to the above-mentioned email address.
Comments are not removed, but we can offer you to mark your comment as “resolved” and leave a statement describing the resolution.
Also, you can edit your comment if it contains inappropriate content or personal details.
To do so, please contact us by our email support@scam.com, and specify what exactly you would like to edit.
Correct request: Please remove the following from my complaint: Joe Blow, +11234567890, 00001 New York, NY
Wrong request: Please remove my home address, my name, my phone number Wrong requests will not be considered.
We provide our services free of charge and do not offer any complaint removals.
No, we don’t remove resolved complaints. After you mark the complaint as “resolved”, it will not affect the business’s rating anymore. Besides, it’s a good idea to keep it as a proof for other users that a company indeed works on fixing any issues their customers may run into. Removing resolved complaints would make it look like that a company never addresses and/or resolves problems that their customers may have experienced.
Each complaint is directly forwarded to a company it has been written for.
We guarantee that each company receives customer complaints, but we can’t make them resolve the issues. They decide what exactly to do after getting a complaint.
On our main page, you can find great examples of companies that are active and customer-focused. They have a higher rating and are always ready to help. They pay attention to the needs and opinions of their customers.
A company that cares enough about its reputation will always reply or contact the customer and will do everything to resolve the issue.
If they don’t answer, it’s not necessarily anyone’s fault.
Some companies don’t look after their reputation and do not value customers.
But even in this situation, your review will still be useful as a way to warn other potential customers. In this case, Scam.com does everything possible to let everyone know how this company treats its consumers unless they start resolving issues.
Some complaints may require to be reviewed by our team first to make sure they do not contain spam phrases, lewd pictures, offensive words, etc. If your complaint violates Scam.com Terms of Use (cursing, direct insults towards other users, etc.), it will not be posted on the website.
This process may take from a few hours to 1-2 business days, so please be patient.
One more possible reason is that your complaint is too short. Make sure it’s at least 350 characters long.
* Please be aware that complaints are not checked on weekends, so if you posted your complaint on Friday evening, it might not show up on the website until Monday.
If you can’t see your review online, it means it has been taken offline for the above-mentioned reasons.
In order to protect our system from potential abuse, we don’t provide reviewers with any specific details about how their review was examined and the criteria we used to take the review offline.
Repeated or malicious violations may result in the indefinite suspension of your account.
Your complaint will be marked as “resolved” and a resolution statement will be added.
Please note that resolved complaints are not removed from the website.
• Try to enter your login and password again, but keep in mind that our system requires the correct input of uppercase and lowercase letters.
If the issue still persists, please follow the instruction below on how to reset your password:
1) Click
Sign in at the top right corner of the screen
2) In the appeared window click Forgot your password? (do not enter your login and password)
3) Enter your email address (the same one you used to file the complaint) and click Reset
4) You will receive an email with further instructions and you’ll be able to set up a new password.
To change your email address, please shoot us an email at support@scam.com, and provide the new email address you would like to use.
Please make sure you’re sending your request from the same email address you used to sign up.
Most commonly, it means that they want to get specific information regarding your complaint and help you resolve the issue.
We don’t recommend ignoring their requests.
If the company blackmails you into removing your review, please immediately contact us and provide the details.
Replying or not is surely your right, however, if the company doesn’t hear back from you within 30 days after providing you with their official response, the complaint will be automatically marked as resolved and will not be reinstated in case you change your mind.
Moreover, submitting a complaint on our website is supposed to get the company’s attention, so why would you ignore their desire to help you?
Please note that removing your account from Scam.com will result in all your ersonal information being deleted from our system, however, complaints and comments will remain. Your nickname will be replaced by the default nickname we use for deleted accounts: “ghost”.
If your complaint contains personal information or pictures you don’t want to be publicly posted, you should contact us from
the same email address you used to file the complaint and specify what exactly you’d like to be edited:
Correct request: Please remove the following: Joe Blow, +11234567890, 00001 New York, NY
Wrong request: Please remove my home address, my name, my phone number
Wrong requests will not be considered.
However, if you still want to close your account and remove all your data from our system, please follow the instructions below:
• Log in to your account
• Click your profile icon in the top-right corner to open the account menu
• Choose “My Profile“
• Click “Edit my profile“. From the resulting menu, select “Edit profile“
• Select “Delete account“
• In the appeared pop-up window confirm your choice or cancel.
A verified user is an individual who has taken the steps to verify their identity by confirming their email address.
We completely understand you being suspicious and skeptical of complaints and reviews posted online. That’s why we ask customers to verify their profiles to raise the overall level of trust on the website.
This status allows others to see that the customer has taken the steps to verify their identity and anyone reading their review can be confident it is from an actual customer with genuine experience.
Verification is a simple process that’s done automatically, but in some exceptional cases our team may ask you to provide proof of purchase to make sure your review is real and honest.
You can verify your account by:
• Confirming your email address;
• Signing in with a social media account (Facebook, Twitter or Google);
• Providing proof of purchase;
• Entering a verification code from SMS.
Once you’ve completed the verification process, the “Verified user” status will be indicated right next to your name.
You can send a personal message to a user through our messaging system and request such details.
We have thousands of business profiles on our website, our system doesn’t update companies’ contact information automatically, so it’s physically impossible to monitor all of them.
If you noticed wrong information, we would be grateful if you could share it with us by dropping us an email marked “irrelevant information” at support@scam.com. Don’t forget to include a link to the business account.
To date, there’s no option of flagging information as wrong.
Click on the user’s nickname. You will be taken to his/her profile.
Click on the “Send Message” button.
Scam.com is one of the oldest consumer complaint websites on the Internet, established in 2004 and is completely free, safe, and easy to use for everyone. By saying free, we mean it’s absolutely free. No beta, no cut versions.
Scam.com acts as a platform for customers worldwide to forward their complaints to the respective companies to resolve whatever issues they have.
First of all, Scam.com is the most popular and influential complaint resolution platform on the Internet. There are lots of potential consumers worldwide seeking information about a company before engaging in any interaction with it.
Second, it’s rather unusual for a business not to care about those thanks to whom it exists in the first place. A lot of companies flopped due to a lack of care towards their customers, nearly non-existent feedback, and negative “word of mouth” spreading around.
Our years of experience show that customers generally have more trust towards a business that can admit its mistakes and works on resolving them, rather than towards the one that simply ignores everything.
Additionally, the majority of consumers nowadays are Generation X and Generation Y: both of them are Internet savvy (especially Generation Y), therefore in their eyes, a business with a crystal clear reputation on the Internet looks suspicious and untrustworthy. And the numbers of such customers only increase every day.
It gets even worse if a company doesn’t have any reviews whatsoever, be they positive or negative, as customers are unwilling to gamble by spending their money on a completely unknown service.
First of all, you need to log into an account at Scam.com.
If you discovered our website after receiving an email from us, it means we have already created an
account for your convenience and granted it additional features that normally aren’t accessible to a
regular user.
These features include, but are not limited to:
We strongly recommend using an account we’ve provided you with, as it will differentiate you from
other users and will erase any doubts of your customers that you’re indeed a legitimate, verified
representative of the respected business.
If you have stumbled on Scam.com while browsing the Internet and/or found your company’s
profile on the website, then you can either:
1) Create an account on your own AND notify us by email support@scam.com, so we could grant you these additional features, or
2) Contact us by email support@scam.com and make a request to provide you with a business account.
Afterward, you can either use a complaint tracker to check new/updated complaints against your company or visit your business account to find a complaint you wish to respond to and post your reply.
At Scam.com we aim to keep our community’s content helpful and relevant. However, it is the users who are responsible for their posts and reviews on our website.
If you have issues with some posts, you can report them to our team for assessment or you might contact the person who left the post.
No, our website is absolutely free, easy, and safe to use for everyone.
Fair enough, lots of companies do. However, your customer may simply be unaware of it or may find it uncomfortable to use, or any other reason as to why they decided to contact you through us. You can simply inform them about it in your response. It’s neither hard nor it takes long.
Yes, but in general it’s not advised. A self-made account doesn’t have special features such as:
If you have already created an account and want it to be verified, please contact us at support@scam.com
Please contact us at support@scam.com.
Customers are not to be denied the right to leave complaints on any website they visit, so we do not delete Business Accounts.
We don’t remove business information either, as it’s publicly accessible. If you think your company’s information is incorrect, please contact us and we will take care of this matter.
Try to derive maximum benefit from these reviews to improve your service or whatever your customers complain about.
Listen to them carefully, make concessions, resolve their issues, and you will surely succeed.
We’ve created this feature for you because you know your customers’ inquiries much better and can answer all of their questions. Just look through reviews to figure out what your customers are worried about the most.
Customer satisfaction rating is a complicated algorithm that indicates customer experience with a company. It measures a brand’s responsiveness and complaint resolution success on a scale from 1 to 5 stars per complaint that then is combined for the overall score. When a new complaint appears, the formula takes into account the following four main variables and one additional variable:
1. Resolution: eventually, it all comes down to resolving complaints successfully. The facts of whether the complaint was marked as resolved and the time it took to resolve it directly impact the score. Ultimately, the more complaints are resolved, the better the rating is.
2. Reply time: naturally, waiting time matters greatly. Long response time can significantly harm the way customers feel about your business resulting in poor customer experience and, ultimately, lower score. Yet on the bright side, the algorithm excludes weekends and holidays from calculating the response speed as we understand that customer support also has their days off.
3. Quality of response: personalized responses have an advantage over generic templates. In this way, the algorithm generally favors companies that address customers by their names and approach their problems individually.
4. Response frequency: this metric indicates the company’s regularity and consistency in responding to all incoming complaints. The frequency of a response to new complaints contributes to a better score meaning the more complaints are addressed, the higher the company is rated.
5. Pending complaints: these refer to complaints a company has responded to, but there has been no further communication from the users. We understand that this situation is not the company’s fault. To eliminate any negative effect it can have on the score, these complaints are marked with the status “pending” that in our formula translates as “started, but not resolved yet”. A pending complaint does help improve the rating, but not as a fully resolved complaint.
If you suspect a review to be fake, you can consider taking the following steps:
No, we do not remove resolved complaints.
Absolutely not. Businesses cannot pay to have reviews removed.
Scam.com has a very strict policy of removing reviews only if they violate Scam’s Complaint Guidelines or are considered by our moderators to be suspicious.
We apply these guidelines to all reviews across our website.
Any kind of blackmail is against our Complaint Guidelines. It is forbidden to threaten a business to write a negative review or promising to remove a negative review in exchange for money or free gifts. If you are aware of such a situation, let us know about it.
Keep in mind that we will be able to take action only when you provide evidence of what happened. Please reach out to our Customer Support with the details of the situation and we will solve it in your name.
We will only take action if someone has expressed their intentions to take down a review in exchange for a financial incentive or blackmail to write a negative review if they don’t pay them.
We do not get involved in disputes between the customers and businesses if customers are requesting a refund or compensation for the disappointing items and experience.
We also suggest keeping in mind the following:
We understand that you would like to minimize the appearance of negative reviews about your business and consider having them removed through legal action.
However, we advise you to keep in mind that commonly, besides being expensive and unlikely to win, these lawsuits would only hurt your company.
Our experience shows that a business would only suffer from having such a public dispute.
Furthermore, involving Scam.com in the dispute is inappropriate as Scam.com is a platform for customers to share their views and experiences just as on any other website.
Hence, it is not within violation of your rights, which you can have confirmed with an attorney. Although on rare and very specific occasions you could open a dispute, mostly suing a complaint does not meet the expectations of the claimant.
Lastly, take into consideration that there can be a chance of acquiring the Anti-SLAPP statute, which would require you to pay attorney’s fees to the opposite side of the suit.