Home / Car Hire UK Company – Car Rental Scam

Joan Galusha of US
September 28, 2022 | 2:47 am EDT | Verifierd customer
Car Hire UK Company – Car Rental Scam

booked 7/8/22 # C1W4X0 cancelled, assigned room did not want , booked room we wanted as few left ,the same night.tried to call to change rooms but was late at night. Called first thing next morning and cancelled .Booked #C1W9N8…the one we wanted, was not told when cancelled first booking it was nonbooked 7/8/22 # C1W4X0 cancelled, assigned room did not want , booked room we wanted as few left ,the same night. tried to call to change rooms but was late at night. Called first thing next morning .

2 thoughts on “Car Hire UK Company – Car Rental Scam”

  1. Thank you for posting your concerns.

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